We at FunCitySocialMedia have added a blog package to our line of products that we offer and if you are wondering why then just read some of the statistics below.
- B2C companies that blog generate 88% more leads per month than those who do not.
- B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those who do not.
- 2/3 of marketers say their company blog is “critical” or “important” to their business.
Sources: HubSpot: State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation Report 2010 HubSpot: State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation Report 2011.
Blogging is an opportunity for you to provide your clients with information that you wish that they already knew.
For example at FunCitySocialMedia we wish that our clients knew not to be political on their Facebook page because it could hurt their business. However, it is not always obvious or clients just don’t think about it or they forget. A reminder is quite helpful.
- Companies that blog gain 55% more visitors than companies that do not.
If you are curious why more website visitors matter, it is simple: More people visiting your website provides the opportunity for more conversions for sales. Google gives ranking preference to websites that provide fresh content. Blogging is one of the best ways to keep posting fresh content on your website.
- Companies that blog have 434% more indexed pages.
Source Study Shows Business Blogging Leads to 55 More Website Visitors.
This matters because more indexed pages mean higher Google rankings. Higher Google rankings equals exposure to more potential clients. When is the last time that you went to page five of Google to hire a business? If you are like me, you have never done so because we tend to put more trust in the businesses that are on page one.
- Once you get past 52 blog post your traffic will increase by 77%.
The more you blog the more traffic you generate. When you begin, blogging can be a lonely adventure and most people or businesses give up too soon. However, if you keep after it, the payoff is significant.
- Frequency matters. It is important that you pick a blogging frequency and stick with it.
For example if you are going to blog 3 days a week, make sure that you blog 3 days a week. Not only should you blog 3 days a week, but you should try and blog on the same days of the week. This will help you gain the trust of your bloggers by showing that you are consistent and predictable.
One of FunCity’s Clients
If you are interested in starting a blog for your business make sure that you read 2 Reasons Why You Should Own Your Domain Name. What benefits has your business found from blogging? How often do you blog?
Renee Groskreutz is Chief of Creative at FunCitySocialMedia.com. Like this post? Make sure you subscribe to this blog.